DragonflyIssuesInEvolution13 Wiki
800px-Megalodon scale1

This size comparison chart compares, in order from smallest to largest, the extant great white shark, the extant whale shark, the conservative estimate for the size of the extinct megalodon, and the maximum size estimate for the size of the extinct megalodon

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Extant Taxon[]

An extant taxon as defined from Wikipedia is is a term commonly used in biology to refer to taxa (singular, taxon), such as species, genera and families, that are still in existence, meaning still alive as opposed to extinct. For example, the moose is an extant species, while the dodo is an extinct species. Likewise, of the group of molluscs known as the cephalopods, as of 1987 there were approximately 600 extant species and 7,500 extinct species.[1]


^ Barnes, Robert D. (1987). Invertebrate Zoology (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing. ISBN 0-03-008914-X.
